Mike Maloney – Battle fir Next Global Monetary System
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He refers’ to this article: China’s Central Bank Develooping Own Digital Currence in response to Libra on CoinTelegraph by Ana Alexandre. They are worried that Facebook’s libra poses a risk to the country’s financial system. They asked that “If Libra iw widely used for payments, cross-border payments in particular, would it be able to function like money and accordingly have a largeinfluence on monetary policy, financial stability, and the international monetary system?”
Malone has been teching about siler and gold investing for man years. He said he knew there was new monetary system coming before the end of this decade. he warns that sometimes war accompany shifts in monetary systems. Other countries have been hating the US Monetary System. At one time, 50% of the currency in the world was US Dollars.
Here refers to the Andreas Antonopoulous speech regarding the new Libra currency.
He gives some statistics. Facebook has 2.3 billion users, and the world has 7.5 billion, so about 31% of the world interacts with Facebook. USA is only 4.3% of the population of the world.
US House of Representatives has even sent a letter to Facebook asking for a moratorium for any movement forward on Libra. They say it raises serious priacy, trading, national security, and monetary policy concerns for Facebook’s users, invenstors, consumers, and the broarder global economy. Facebook has has companies look Uber and AirBNB onboard to use the app.
Mike closes by saying that everybody needs to start getting ready for this; if you don’t prepare you will be on the losing end of this shift in global monetary system. Because it is coming, and it is coming at us like a freight train.